Arts and Culture Advisory Committee
The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee advises the City Commission in its effort to support, facilitate and grow an empowered and vital arts, cultural and creative community.
This committee was established on January 28, 1991 by the City Commission to serve as a conduit between the people of the City of Marquette and their government to celebrate diverse cultural heritages and foster artistic expression. The City Commission approved a decrease in the Committee’s membership by three seats through a recommendation on Oct. 14, 2014 bringing the total seats to nine. The City Commission approved a new mission for the Committee on Oct. 14, 2014.
Current Listing of Arts and Culture Advisory Committee Members
Agendas and Minutes
Minutes and agendas are available on NovusAgenda. To show only the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee agendas and minutes, select "Meeting Type", then "Arts and Culture" and click "Search".