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The Marquette City Department of Engineering provides design and construction engineering for various water, sewer, drainage, street and other public infrastructure projects throughout the city. The department maintains records and maps of the City and is in the process of mapping all of the City’s infrastructure using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

The Engineering Department issues and monitors work and activities within the public Right-of-Ways (streets or public easements). Right-of-Way permits are required for all utility work, street work, hauling activities, house moving, parades or other activities that impact the street system. Permit fees are listed below and will be charged accordingly for approved permit applications. For more information please contact the Engineering Department at (906) 228-0440.

Completed Projects

MARAD Grant funded Dead River Dredging Project

CR 550 Bridge Repairs

Front/ Crescent Sewer Extension Project

Sugarloaf Multi-Use Path Extension



Current Projects

Project Title: MQ13-502 Lake Superior Shoreline Restoration Project Engineer:  Mikael Kilpela, Jim Compton Inspector:  Dan Salmon Drawings: https://marquettemi.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/MQ13-502-Lake-Superior-Shoreline-Restoration-Bid-Drawings.pdf Contractor:  Smith Construction Start Date: End Date:  10-12-25
Project Title: MQ13-504 Dredging at Dead River Mouth and Beach Nourishment and Beneficial Re-use of the Dredged Materials Project Engineer:  Mik Kilpela Inspector:  Kevin Rautiola Drawings:  https://marquettemi.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/MQ13-504-Bid-Set.pdf Contractor:  K & M Industrial Start Date:  Current End Date:  11-30-24
Project Title: CR550 - Dead River Bridge Maintenance Project Project Engineer:  Jim Compton Inspector:  TBD Drawings: TBD Contractor:  TBD Start Date:  TBD End Date:  TBD
Project Title: Sugarloaf Avenue - Multi-Use Path Extension Project Engineer:  Kellen Wessels Inspector:  Kevin Rautiola Drawings: https://marquettemi.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/MQ24-019-Bid-Set-R.pdf Contractor:  Oberstar, Inc. Start Date: End Date:  8-30-24





1100 Wright St. Marquette, MI 49855