
In addition to garbage pickup, the City of Marquette offers curbside collection of recyclable materials. Place cardboard, paper, plastic, and metal together loose in your blue recycle cart. All recyclable materials must be clean of food residue. All residents participating in curbside recycling must use the blue recycling carts. The City of Marquette is also accepting recycling at the Waste Management Transfer Station 910 W. Baraga Avenue during business hours. Please enter through the main office to check in Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m to 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Verification of City of Marquette resident will need to be provided.
Glass is no longer collected curbside. Glass recycling is available at two drop-off locations: Waste Management and the Municipal Service Center. Waste Management is located at 910 W. Baraga Ave. and is open Monday-Friday from 9:30-11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Municipal Service Center is located at 1100 Wright Street. There will be a designated green dumpster at the West parking lot entrance available 24/7.
For more information, please visit -Newspapers and inserts -Magazines and catalogs -High gloss papers -Clean corrugted cardboard broken down and flat -Pizza Boxes -Chipboard (i.e. cereal/cracker boxes) -Phone books, computer paper, junk mail -Aluminum and metal food and beverage conatiners. -Plastics
Residents may bring organic material to the Marquette County Landfill, located at 600 Co Rd NP, during the business hours Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Contents hauled in the back of a truck or trailer must be tarped. Organic Waste includes: Fruits and vegetables (scraps or whole) Bread, pasta and grains Bakery items and ingredients Eggs, eggshells, nutshells and paper egg cartons Milk, juices and cartons Plants, cut flowers and potting soil Coffee grounds, filters and tea bags Paper Products (e.g. napkins, paper towels, plates and food" Junk mail and magazines Cardboard boxes Any paper Animal waste Plants Cloth Leather

Garbage Collection

If you wish to order garbage and recycle carts, please fill out and submit an order form. You will be contacted to make pickup arrangements.

Download Flyer and Order Form

Frequently Asked Questions


Garbage Stickers- $1.35/ unit or 10 for $13.50

Stickers can be found at:

The Co Op, Econo, Super One, Meijer, Menards.

The City of Marquette provides once per week collection of household refuse and properly prepared recyclables from all residential properties within the city. Residential properties include single family homes, townhouses and apartments, not exceeding five units per building. For purposes of this service, buildings containing more than five dwelling units are considered commercial properties and are responsible for providing their own solid waste services.

Collection is provided between 10:00 pm the preceding evening and 8:00 am, Tuesday through Friday mornings. The collection schedule is not adjusted for holidays. Contractor shall give notice through the local media for any changes. Containers are to be placed curbside after 1:00 pm on the evening preceding the scheduled collection day. All bags and containers must be on the ground. Any bags or containers placed on top of a snowbank will not be collected. Any can or reusable container not collected with the refuse is to be removed from the street right-of-way and placed in an inconspicuous location on the owner's property prior to 8:00 pm on the collection day.

Collection Schedule Map

Residential collection is provided by Waste Management, 910 W. Baraga Avenue, under contract to the City of Marquette. Service complaints or requests for information may be directed to Waste Management Inc. at 906-662-6065.

Household refuse may include garbage, rubbish, and kitchen wastes, such as discarded food or food residue and paper used for wrapping the same, animal wastes, and minor household items. It shall be well drained of all liquids. It shall not include yard waste, materials from construction or razing of buildings, waste from any manufacturing process, or hazardous materials defined by Federal, State, or local law, rule or regulation. Refuse does not include materials intended for recycling.

All refuse placed curbside for pickup must be in city approved prepaid bags with stickers or carts. Approved stickers are available at the Waste Management's office and at major area retailers. A prepaid bag may be placed in a covered garbage can for pickup, provided all refuse is contained by the prepaid bag and the bag is tied. All bags shall be tied and each filled bag shall not exceed 30 lbs. Only 5 bags allowed per pickup. The property owner is responsible for damage to bags resulting from dogs, cats, rodents, birds, etc. During winter months, refuse must be placed at ground level. Any garbage or recycling placed on top of a snowbank will not be collected.

Residents making use of curbside pickup shall place their approved containers between the sidewalk and curb, or between two and four feet from the edge of the roadway in areas where there are no sidewalks or curb. Containers shall be placed in front of the owner's property (as much as possible) and in a location accessible to collection equipment. If utilizing the cart system, please place carts next to each other, about three feet apart with the handle facing the home. During winter months, refuse containers shall be placed in a driveway opening or some other established opening in the snow bank at ground level.

The picture shown below exhibits the most ideal sticker placement for pickup. It is best to place the sticker folded around the handle with both sticky sides touching. This is easier for drivers to see in inclement weather, sticks better, and prevents anyone from removing the stickers.

Sticker Placement

Any household not having an able-bodied person or neighbor willing to assist in placing refuse curbside for pick-up may register with the Department of Public Works for special accommodation. Special service cannot be provided without registration. As situations change, type of service may be reconsidered.

Non curbside waste disposal can be hauled to the Waste Management Transfer Station at 910 W Baraga Ave. Vehicles will be charged by weight. If you have any questions, please call 906-662-6065. Hours of Operation are:

Monday thru Friday 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Closed for lunch daily 11:00 am - 11:30 am


A landfill permit can be purchased at the City Hall Treasurer's office allowing the resident to haul to the Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority located at 600 Co Rd NP. If you have any questions, please call 906-228-0475. Landfill hours of operation are:

Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Waste Management Transfer Station - 910 W Baraga Ave.

Tadych's - 1401 Odovero Dr.

Super One Foods - 3070 US Highway 41

Marquette Food Co-Op - 502 W Washington St.

Compost and Rubbish

The City of Marquette Compost site, located at 1415 Pioneer Road, will be closing for the season on November 5, 2024.

The hours of operation are Tuesdays 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Printable Flyer

A "Solid Waste" fee payment on a current City water bill and ID is required for admittance.

Yard waste, grass clippings, garden debris etc. are accepted with no size limit. Property owners may also drop off one pickup load of brush per day. (A pile approximately 12’L x 6’W x 5’H). Household organic compost disposal is not available at this time. This drop-off site is not available to commercial haulers.

The Household Rubbish site will close on October 30, 2024 for the season. Hours of operation are Mondays 3pm - 7pm*, Wednesdays 3pm -7pm* and the second Saturday of each month 1pm – 4pm*. The site will close once dumpsters are at capacity, no exceptions.

Printable Flyer

The site is intended for City residents paying the "solid waste" fee to dispose of household items too large for curbside pickup. The daily capacity of this site is regulated by the Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE) and once capacity is met, the site will close. No exceptions.

A driver’s license and current City water bill showing the payment of a "solid waste" fee for your property is required for admittance. Residents in rental units using the “green bags or carts” who do not have a water bill in their name need to contact their landlord to file the following form with the Public Works Dept. showing a list of tenants eligible to use the site.

Household Rubbish Drop-Off Rental Registration Form

We ask that all individuals respect traffic and waiting lines that may occur. Accepted items: toys, tools, furniture, old clothing, shoes, books, drapes, carpets, decorations, appliances (must be tagged Freon free by a licensed plumber and only accepted on Saturdays), and other minor household items are accepted but limited to one pickup truck or trailer load per day.

Appliances and White goods include all appliances and water heaters. Appliances using any regulated refrigerant must bear an appropriate technician’s certificate for compliance certifying that the refrigerant has been recaptured. This can be done through a plumbing and heating company. Metal items will be separated for recycling.

Not accepted items: liquid or hazardous wastes, Freon containing appliances, brush or yard waste, regular garbage, food items, rocks or masonry, compressed gas tanks, tires, shingles, electronics.

Properties paying the “Solid Waste” fee on their monthly utility bills (garbage sticker or cart users) are eligible to dispose of yard brush and compost through this curbside collection.  Owners and tenants of properties not paying the fee should contact their regular waste hauler for service.  This service is supported by fees, not taxes.  All residents are asked to observe the following rules to provide for a safe, efficient cleanup.

1.      These collections are for brush, leaves, grass clippings and garden debris only.  NO garbage is allowed.  All collected material will be composted. Material is not to be placed curbside more than one week prior to pick up date.  Material MUST be placed curbside prior to 7:00 a.m. of the scheduled pick up date. If crews are ahead of schedule, they will return on your scheduled day to collect.

2.      Pile yard debris on the lawn next to the street edge, NOT in the gutter or on street pavement.  Keep yard debris in front of your own property.  Do not pile on vacant adjacent properties.  Motorists are asked to avoid parking in positions that block access to leaf piles or they will not be picked up.

3.      Brush will be collected April 22 - 26. The volume from each property is limited to one pickup load, a pile approx. 12’L x 6’W x 5’H.

4.      Crews will collect loose or paper landscaping bagged leaves April 29 -  May 10. If you choose to bag your yard debris, only paper landscape yard waste bags are permitted.  Plastic bags will not be collected. Bags containing garbage or other rubbish mixed with the yard debris will not be collected.

5.      The City will not collect material after the last date listed above for each route.  The compost site is open Tuesdays 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm and Saturdays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Any yard waste will be accepted but brush will be limited to one pickup load per day. Proof of solid waste fee payment and ID is required for admittance.

 Collection Zone Map

Properties paying the “Solid Waste” fee on their monthly utility bills (garbage sticker or cart users) are eligible to dispose of yard brush and compost through this curbside collection.  Owners and tenants of properties not paying the fee should contact their regular waste hauler for service.  This service is supported by fees, not taxes.  All residents are asked to observe the following rules to provide for a safe, efficient cleanup

1.      These collections are for brush, leaves, grass clippings and garden debris only.  NO garbage is allowed.  All collected material will be composted. Material is not to be placed curbside more than one week prior to pick up date.  Material MUST be placed curbside prior to 7:00 a.m. of the scheduled pick up date. If crews are ahead of schedule, they will return on your scheduled day to collect.

2.      Pile yard debris on the lawn next to the street edge, NOT in the gutter or on street pavement.  Keep yard debris in front of your own property.  Do not pile on vacant adjacent properties.  Motorists are asked to avoid parking in positions that block access to leaf piles or they will not be picked up.

3.  Brush will be collected October 21 – October 25.  The volume from each property is limited to one pickup load, a pile approx. 12’L x 6’W x 5’H.

4.      Crews will collect loose or paper landscaping bagged leaves October 28 - November 1. Crews will return to the same routes November 4 -November 8. If you choose to bag your yard debris, only paper landscape yard waste bags are permitted.  Plastic bags will not be collected. Bags containing garbage or other rubbish mixed with the yard debris will not be collected.

5.      The City will not collect material after the last date listed for each route.  The compost site is open Tuesdays 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm and Saturdays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Effective October 1, the site will be open Tuesdays 3:00 pm - Dusk and Saturdays 9:00am - 1:00pm. Any yard waste will be accepted but brush will be limited to one pickup load per day. Proof of solid waste fee payment and ID is required for admittance.


Fall Collection Map

Trash to Treasure will be held from Friday, September 13th, 2024 starting at 5 P.M. through Sunday, September 15th, 2024 ending at 5 P.M.


The purpose of the program is to provide a venue for the recycling of reusable household items such as furniture, lamps, electronics, and other working household items. The program is designed to increase awareness in recycling by creating an alternative means of reusing items that would otherwise end up in the landfill.

• Residents can place reusable/serviceable items in front of their house on the curb no earlier than 5:00 p.m. Friday on the pre-determined date. Unclaimed items must be removed from the curb no later than 5:00 p.m. Sunday.

• Removal of items will be strictly enforced in accordance with Section 22.33 of the City’s Nuisance Ordinance: It shall be unlawful for any person to accumulate rubbish or any articles or junk, except as may be necessary for construction work or normal course of a business.

• This Public Service Announcement will serve as notice that items left at the curb will be picked up by the Public Works Department and invoiced to the property owner on a time, material and disposal fee basis.

• College students are encouraged to participate in the treasure hunt in that they may find items which will be useful to them in their dormitory or apartment.

• Examples of items that can be recycled include lamps, tables, chairs, dishes, etc. Please, no rubbish. Rubbish is defined to mean anything that does not work, is not clean and is not serviceable.

• Depositing unwanted items is prohibited.

• It is suggested that residents remove lawn ornaments and other wanted items to avoid mistaken identity.

For more information or questions, please contact the Public Works Department at (906) 228-0444.

Properties paying the “Solid Waste” fee on their monthly bills are eligible to use the Christmas tree drop-off sites.  Owners and tenants of properties not paying the fee should contact their regular waste hauler for service.  These sites are supported by fees, not taxes.

One (1) site is located at the west end of Lakeview Arena parking lot, 401 E Fair Ave. Place tree inside orange fencing.

Second (2nd) site is located at Hurley Field, 240 Mesnard St. Place tree inside orange fencing.

Residents are to remove all decorations and stands before disposing of their tree.

The Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority (MCSWMA) has recieved a Scrap Tire Cleanup Grant from EGLE. All Marquette residents are welcome to bring up to 10 scrap tires to the collection sites during each event.

2024 Scrap Metal Collection Schedule