About Us...
It shall be the mission of the City of Marquette Senior Center to assist members of the community's older adult population to live in an environment of their choosing with the maximum dignity and independence possible.
The Senior Center offers services and activities to the City’s older adult population at its location in the lower level of City Hall. The Senior Center publishes a monthly newsletter which highlights activities and information of interest to seniors. It also offers a wide variety of health, education, nutrition, fitness and recreation programs, as well as the services of state-licensed social workers. Social workers and homemaker assistants also provide services to home-bound residents.
"A Senior Center is a community focal point where older persons as individuals or in groups come together for services and activities which enhance their dignity, support their independence and encourage their involvement in and with the community. As part of a comprehensive community strategy to meet the needs of older persons, Senior Center programs take place within and emanate from a facility. These programs consist of a variety of services and activities in such areas as education, creative arts, recreation, advocacy, leadership development, employment, health, nutrition, social work and other supportive services. The center also serves as a community resource for training professional and lay leadership and for developing new approaches to aging problems."
-- Quoted from The Older Americans Act
The programs and services listed below are regularly scheduled at the Marquette Senior Center. We encourage you to take advantage of any or all of them. You are required to make an appointment – so if you need that service please call the office for your appointment, 228-0456. The Marquette Senior Services Center are supported and funded by the services of the City of Marquette, Marquette County Senior Millage, Office of Services to the Aging, Region II Area Agency on Aging, UPCAP, and the generous donations of individuals and organizations in the community. In accordance with all applicable State and Federal Laws, Marquette Senior Services does not discriminate in employment or the provisions of its services.

Social Work Services
Social work services are provided by the Senior Center's licensed Social Workers to assist, and preserve the independence and dignity of seniors. Services offered include Outreach, Medicare and Medicaid assistance, Homemaking and Case Management for those with multiple needs.
Information and Referral Service
Information and referral services are offered to area Citizens who would like to learn more about either Center programs or services of other agencies.
Education programs are offered through mini workshops on related areas of Health, Fall Prevention and other current events that would be of interest to seniors.
Foot Care Clinic
The foot care clinic is available with professional services provided by local Health Care agencies, is offered at the Center once a month. This clinic is by appointment only. The clinic offers a relaxing foot soak, general foot inspection, toe nail clipping and tips on general foot care.
Health Programs
Health programs are offered through monthly blood pressure screenings, health related programs such as annual flu shot clinic, health screenings, stroke screening, PAD screening, and referrals to appropriate local agencies
Recreational Programs
Senior Newsletter
Senior Safety
Senior Services Directory
Silver Sampler Program
Office Hours
Center Coordinator
mmcfadden@marquettemi.gov Maureen McFadden Senior Services Manager