

The Assessing office is located within the Community Development Department at City Hall, 300 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette. The assessing functions are to value all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City as well as to annually prepare an assessment roll which lists all known property owners, legal descriptions, state equalized values, and taxable values


Finance is responsible for general accounting, project accounting, fixed asset accounting, accounts payable, investments and cash management, debt management, bid openings, coordination of the budget process, preparation of the annual budget book, coordination and management of the annual audit, preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), and preparation of other financial reports for submission to various federal, state and local governmental agencies.


The Treasurer collects all revenues, prepares reports and interfaces data for Finance, and deposits funds accordingly. This office is responsible for billing, collecting and reporting taxes for the city, library, Downtown Development Authority (DDA), Public Schools, Marquette Alger Regional Educational Services Agency (MARESA), Heritage Trail Authority and the county. The Treasurer bills, collects, and reports CFT/IFT taxes, special assessments, and delinquent personal property taxes. In addition, changes in tax rolls are computed in accordance with rulings of the Board of Review, Tax Tribunal, and Principal Residence Exemption Adjustments.

Utility Billing

Utility Billing is responsible for obtaining and processing water/sewer readings, preparing water/sewer/solid waste/storm water bills, and collecting and recording payments. The division also prepares and processes service requests, maintains customer records, and handles customer complaints.

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Current Requests

Bids, Quotes, Proposals

Requests for Bids, Proposals, Quotes, Qualifications, and other information are posted as needed by the City. Please ensure to carefully adhere to the deadlines and project requirements for consideration.

See Available
Promoting Growth

Local Development Finance Authority

The purpose of the LDFA is to encourage local development to prevent conditions of unemployment and to promote economic growth.

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Financial Services Department Director and City Treasurer

Mary resized

Mary Schlicht

Chief Financial Officer906-225-8559

Terra Bahrman


Dulcee Ranta

City Assessor906-225-8378





300 W. Baraga Ave Marquette, MI 49855