On behalf of the Marquette Public Art Commission, the City of Marquette Office of Arts & Culture announces the installation of the second round of ‘Words to Live and Bike By’ bike path murals on the City Multi-use Pathway.
The Words to Live and Bike By project involves the painting of six text-inspired, site-specific murals on the surface of the Holly Greer Bike Path in Marquette. Applicants were asked to submit words and original design proposals fitting for the accompanying locale. The chosen artists and their words and locations are as follows:
Lee Pyper; “PERSEVERE”; Hospital Corridor & Beacon House
Emma Schramm; “EMBRACE”; 7th Street & Beacon House
Olivia Capodilupo; “GROW”; Intersection of Bike Path & Center Street
Lena Wilson; “PLAY”; Kaufmann Sports Complex
Aiyana Aldred; “RECIPROCITY”; S. Lakeshore Blvd. & E. Hampton St.
MPAC members; “INSPIRE”; S McClellan Ave across from Superior Hills Elementary School
Painting will take place August 11-13, 2023. Please be respectful and cautious on these sections of the City Multi-use Pathway during installation.
For additional questions and information about the Marquette Public Art Commission, the Words to Live and Bike By project, or other Public Art projects in the City, visit www.mqtcompass.com/publicart