March Board of Review


The City of Marquette (Marquette County) Board of Review will be meeting on Tuesday, March 08, 2022 at the City Hall, Commission Chambers 300 West Baraga Avenue, Marquette, MI starting at 9:00 a.m.

No protests will be heard at this meeting.  This notice is given in accordance with Act 267 of the 1976 Public Acts of the State of Michigan.  This is an organizational meeting.  Public notice will be given regarding any changes in the above meeting. 


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Review, City of Marquette will meet on Monday, March 14, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday, March 15, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 300 W. Baraga Ave, Marquette, MI to hear property tax assessment protests:


City of Marquette guidelines and policy for granting or denying a poverty exemption is available at the City Assessors Office.  If you feel you qualify for a poverty exemption on your property taxes, guidelines and applications are available at 300 West Baraga Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855.  Applications must be filed with the Assessor BEFORE the MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2022 Board of Review Meeting.  Any exemption granted will only apply to 2022 property taxes.


In order to be eligible for the exemption, the disabled veteran must have been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States. They must be a Michigan resident. Additionally, they must meet one of the following criteria: (a) Has been determined by the United States department of veterans’ affairs to be permanently and totally disabled as a result of military service and entitled to veterans’ benefits at the 100% rate. (b) Has a certificate from the United States veterans’ administration, or its successors, certifying that he or she is receiving or has received pecuniary assistance due to disability for specially adapted housing. (c) Has been rated by the United States department of veterans’ affairs as individually unemployable. The un-remarried surviving spouse of the disabled veteran is eligible for the exemption based upon the eligibility of their spouse; therefore, the spouse must also be a Michigan resident. The exemption will continue only as long as the surviving spouse remains un-remarried. You must complete Form 5107 and attach all necessary proof of eligibility.

The City of Marquette will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon five (5) days notice to the City of Marquette.  Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Marquette by writing or calling the below name.  Public notice will be given regarding any changes of the above meeting.

New Deo Gallery Exhibit: 5 Colors, a Big Maze, and a Shape Named Dave

The Deo Gallery’s March exhibit features 5 Colors, a Big Maze, and a Shape Named Dave by local artist Ben Pawlowski. As an artist and an educator, Pawlowski has combined these pursuits into collaborative projects that inspire others to create and engage with the exhibit. “Artists are often trying to show or reveal something through their work, which I see as an approach to teaching, and teachers are often trying to provide a unique and memorable experience, which I see as an approach to creating art” This exhibit is the first of its kind at the Deo Gallery. Upon visiting, observers are invited to become participants through personal and collaborative art making.

The Deo Gallery is owned by the City of Marquette and is located in the basement of the Peter White Public Library in the City’s Arts & Culture Center; it is curated monthly by the Lake Superior Art Association.

The Deo Gallery’s exhibit 5 Colors, a Big Maze, and a Shape Named Dave will be up March 5 through April 1. On Thursday, March 10, from 6 to 8 p.m., the City of Marquette Office of Arts and Culture will be hosting the opening reception. Receptions are free and open to the public. Masks are required.

For more information visit Contact Office of Arts and Culture (906)228-0472 or with questions about this exhibit and the gallery space.

Call For Entries – Signs Of Spring Art Exhibit

The City of Marquette presents Signs of Spring, a new non-juried art exhibition. This unique exhibition is a part of Salamander Days: an awareness campaign supporting the migration of the Blue Spotted Salamander on Presque Isle Park. Submissions must be inspired by the Blue Spotted Salamander and other subtle signs of spring. Signs of Spring runs April 1- June 10, 2022 at City Hall located at 300 West Baraga Avenue in Marquette.

To be eligible, drop off artwork at City Hall (300 W Baraga) on Monday, March 28, from 10am to 5pm. Artwork must be 2D and wired (no saw tooth hangers) ready for hanging or it will not be accepted. All artwork must be original and identified on the back/underside, with the artist’s name, title and medium.  Awards will be presented in the following categories: (Pre-K-4th grade, 5th-8th, 9th-12th, and Adult). Artwork will be considered for the best representation of signs of spring based on local relevance, environmental appreciation, and artistic merit.  There will also be an award for Community Choice. See full call for entries HERE on

Salamander Days is presented by the City of Marquette and Superior Watershed Partnership in partnership with Peter White Public Library, Moosewood Nature Center, Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum and Community Members. To learn more about Signs of Spring and other Salamander Days events go to or call the City of Marquette Office of Arts and Culture at 906-228-0472 or email

Salamander Days Programming Scheduled This Spring

Salamander Days is an awareness campaign presented by the City of Marquette and Superior Watershed Partnership, in partnership with Peter White Public Library, Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum, Moosewood Nature Center and Members of the Community. It is a collective effort to educate the public about the annual migration of the blue spotted salamander and the associated city road closure that occurs at Presque Isle Park in the spring months. This unique natural phenomena in the City limits presents an opportunity to advocate for environmental etiquette and appreciation.

The goals is to celebrate and spread conscientious awareness of the blue spotted salamanders and other spring indicator species through educational programming, arts, and community engagement throughout the greater Marquette community.

Salamander Days events will occur throughout March and April and include: salamander-themed crafts and activities in the Children’s Maker Space at the Peter White Public Library; Second Thursday programming of springtime amphibians, frog poetry, and salamander painting at the Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum; educational programming at the Moosewood Nature Center; Signs of Spring Art Exhibit hosted at City Hall; Senior Arts April programming through the Office of Arts and Culture; and more educational and science programming with the Superior Watershed Partnership.

For specific programming information and the call to artists for submission to the Signs of Spring exhibit, please visit the Marquette Compass at;

For questions, please contact Kathleen at or Amelia at

2022 City of Marquette Art Week - Requests For Project Proposals

The City of Marquette Office of Arts & Culture is currently accepting proposals for projects to take place during this year’s City of Marquette Art Week, scheduled for June 20-25, 2022.

Art Week is an annual event held during the last full week of June that invites local artists, organizations, and businesses to come together, collaborate, and present a series of free arts and cultural events, concerts, workshops, performances, exhibits, demonstrations, and more for the Marquette community.

Proposed Art Week projects should connect to and play off of this year’s theme of Water, inspired by the City’s Cultural Trail initiative. The Cultural Trail will celebrate Marquette’s cultural heritage and natural environment, connecting historic and culturally significant locations and natural features along the City’s multi-use pathway through public art, space design, and interpretive signage. In particular, the Office of Arts & Culture seeks projects that explore the shoreline, its history, and spectacular landscape from the Carp River to Presque Isle.

Artists and organizations interested in proposing a project must complete and submit a proposal form by Sunday, March 13.

Full information, guidelines, and a link to the proposal form are available on the Marquette Compass Art Week homepage,

Please contact the Office of Arts & Culture with any questions or concerns at or (906) 228-0472.

U.P. 200 & Midnight Run Dog Sled Races Street Closures

The following streets will be closed to motor vehicles at the following times for the start of the Annual U.P. 200 & Midnight Run Dog Sled Races, to be held Friday, February 18.

Thursday, February 17
10:30 p.m. - Washington Street from Front Street to Lakeshore Boulevard

Friday, February 18
5:00 a.m. - Washington Street from Front Street to Sixth Street
7:00 a.m. – Fifth Street from Spring Street to Bluff Street (closed to through traffic)
9:00 a.m. - Fourth Street from Spring Street to Bluff Street (closed to through traffic)
1:00 p.m. - Lakeshore Boulevard from Mattson Park to Baraga Avenue (closed to through traffic)
5:00 p.m. - Lakeshore Boulevard from Baraga Avenue to U.S. 41 (closed to through traffic)
5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. - The northbound lane of S. Lake Street from U.S. 41 to Hampton Street
5:15 p.m. - Front Street from Baraga Avenue to Bluff Street (closed to through traffic)
5:45 p.m. - Third Street from Spring Street to Bluff Street (closed to through traffic)

A detour route around the closure areas will use Baraga Avenue, Seventh Street, and Bluff Street.

The street closures will remain in effect until 2:00 a.m. Saturday, February 19.

Pedestrian access will be allowed all days throughout all the street closure areas.

City of Marquette Offices Closed for Presidents’ Day

City offices located at Marquette City Hall, 300 W. Baraga Avenue; the Lakeview Arena, 401 E. Fair Avenue; the Arts and Culture Center, 217 N. Front St. (in the Peter White Public Library); and the Municipal Service Center, 1100 Wright Street, will be closed on Monday, February 21, in observance of Presidents’ Day. Marquette Police, Fire, and Public Works and Utilities will remain operational during this time. 

There will be no change in garbage pickup for City residents.

Annual Special Events Meeting: Participation Details

The annual meeting of Special Event holders in the City of Marquette will be held Tuesday, February 22 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.  This meeting will be held virtually, with event holders and City staff attending remotely. This meeting will discuss updates on the process for special events for stakeholders and event planners.

To participate, please visit:

Special Event holders wishing to participate via telephone can call 312-626-6799and enter the meeting ID: 867 3205 290. Written questions can be submitted to

Marquette Public Art Commission Meeting

The Marquette Public Art Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be in-person in the City of Marquette Arts and Culture Center, 217 N. Front Street, Marquette.

Public Participation

There will be one public comment period for the meeting, at the beginning of the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and speakers must give their name and address before speaking. Written comments will be presented to the board during the meeting and can be submitted by emailing Written submissions will be accepted until 5pm on Wednesday, February 9.

City of Marquette - Government

City of Marquette - Government


This is the official page for the City of Marquette.

Contact Info

Elections/Ballot Questions: 

+1 906-228-0430

City Hall:

+1 906-228-0435

300 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette, MI 49855

Municipal Service Center:

+1 906-228-0444

1100 Wright St., Marquette, MI 49855

Tourist Park Reservations:

+1 906-228-0465



City Hall:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Municipal Service Center:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Police and Fire on duty 24/7

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