Fire Hydrant Flushing in West Marquette

The City of Marquette’s Water Department will begin fire hydrant flushing in west Marquette from N. Seventh St. all the way west to the city limits. The flushing will begin May 15, 2024, and is expected to continue until August 31, 2024. The Water Department will also be flushing all dead ends and check valves.

Residents may experience discolored water at times and low pressure. If this happens, please run the water for 5 to 10 minutes or until it is clear. The system will not lose pressure; therefore, the water will be safe to use.

City of Marquette - Government

City of Marquette - Government


This is the official page for the City of Marquette.

Contact Info

Elections/Ballot Questions: 

+1 906-228-0430

City Hall:

+1 906-228-0435

300 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette, MI 49855

Municipal Service Center:

+1 906-228-0444

1100 Wright St., Marquette, MI 49855

Tourist Park Reservations:

+1 906-228-0465



City Hall:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Municipal Service Center:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Police and Fire on duty 24/7

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