Traffic Control Changes - West College Ave and Presque Isle Ave

The following traffic control changes have been made to the intersection of West College Avenue and Presque Isle Avenue intersection:

  1. The West College Avenue intersection is a two (2) way stop for eastbound and westbound traffic.
    • Stop signs have been placed at the intersection of College and Presque Isle Avenue for eastbound and westbound traffic.
    • The traffic signal lights have been reset to flash “red” for eastbound and westbound traffic on College Avenue.
  2. The traffic signal lights have been reset to flash “yellow” for northbound and southbound traffic on Presque Isle Avenue.

This traffic control change will continue until a reevaluation date is established upon receiving updated development plans for the area.

City of Marquette - Government

City of Marquette - Government


This is the official page for the City of Marquette.

Contact Info

Elections/Ballot Questions: 

+1 906-228-0430

City Hall:

+1 906-228-0435

300 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette, MI 49855

Municipal Service Center:

+1 906-228-0444

1100 Wright St., Marquette, MI 49855

Tourist Park Reservations:

+1 906-228-0465



City Hall:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Municipal Service Center:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Police and Fire on duty 24/7

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