January 2016

Well, it’s been roughly two months since the last issue of Marquette Matters and we’ve all been very busy. If you recall, the last time I wrote I told you a little about myself after having been unexpectedly elevated to the position of City Manager. It was a time of some uncertainty and maybe some confusion, but I’m happy to report that City Staff has not missed a beat and continues to do the good work that we’ve all come to expect.

The emphasis for the last few months (and for several months yet to come) has been putting the pieces of the Duke LifePoint project together. As you are probably aware, this is a complicated process with many moving parts, one of which is the relocation of the Municipal Service Center. This is an educational process for me and I am continuously amazed at the actual number of City departments and staff that are needed to make this all work. Due to the complexity of the project, every City Department, with the exception of one, has had to contribute in one fashion or another. Luckily for me, everyone here is very good at what they do and I can depend more on their expertise instead of sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong.

Although many staff members have contributed to this project, I couldn’t help but have a special appreciation for City Attorney Ron Keefe and his partner Suzanne Larsen. The amount of legal work that went into this project was staggering and there were at least six attorneys involved from both sides (and we can all imagine the potential there). But I’m happy to report that we all had the same goal, the right people were in the room and reason and common sense won the day. My thanks to Tom Butler and the DLP staff as well. They proved to be good people to work with.

In case you missed it, we were able to complete the land sale (the current Service Center) to DLP through a detailed Post Closing Development Agreement, approve a lease agreement with DLP to enable us to continue to (temporarily) utilize part of our old Service Center after they purchased it and during our transition to our new Service Center, approve the purchase of about 3.5 acres of land from Argonics on Wright Street for the development of the new Service Center and move forward in solidifying some of the funding for the project through the Brownfield Redevelopment process.

Of course there is still plenty left to be done, but if anyone has any doubt that the hospital project will happen I, for one, am not seeing anything to indicate otherwise.

November 2015

November 2015

A few things have changed—and rather quickly—here at the City since the last time I wrote this blog. At that time the current City Manager, Bill Vajda, was on vacation and I was filling in for him while he was out. By the time you read this, if all goes according to plan, I will be the new City Manager as Bill decided to move on.

After over 39 years with the Marquette City Police Department, the last thing I expected was to become the City Manager; however, circumstances dictated otherwise. I grew up in Marquette, attend the Marquette Area Public Schools graduating from Marquette Senior High School in 1973. I attended Northern Michigan University and, after finding my way, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Law Enforcement with a minor in Business Management.

I joined the Marquette City Police Department in 1976, at the ripe old age of 21, and began my career as a Police Support Officer (PSO). It was a non-sworn (I didn’t get to carry a gun or make arrests) position, but wore a uniform and worked with the regular officers on patrol. I joined the Police Department at a fortunate time as they were still sending new officers to the police academy. Myself and another PSO were sent to the academy at NMU in the fall of that year and the rest is history. I was apparently smart enough and good enough to move up through the ranks, eventually reaching the position of Chief in 2008.

I didn’t make it alone, however. I came from good stock. My father and mother, Mike and Rita Angeli, owned and operated Angeli’s Super Valu and eventually a small bakery in Marquette from 1959 until 1998 at the time of my father’s passing. My mom still resides in an apartment in Marquette and is quite active at 85 years old. Both of my parents were very active in the community which transcended down to their six children. I have been wonderfully supported by my wife of 32 years, also a lifelong resident of Marquette, the former Kay Levandoski. An interesting note here is that when we met, Kay worked for my dad at the Super Valu while I worked for her dad who was a Detective Lieutenant at MPD. Kay and I have two children, Mike lll and Catherine. As you can probably imagine, life as a police officer is not always normal or easy and if not for Kay’s commitment and understanding, I wouldn’t have been able to grow. There was a lot of shift work, weekends and holidays worked, birthdays missed and many other events that would strain any family, but she (and the kids) made it work for us. And for that, I am thankful.

I had many good role models in the PD that I won’t all mention here for the sake of saving space, but if I hadn’t been hired by former Chief George Johnson, none of this would be happening. I never planned on being your City Manager, but I feel that I am up to the job and I hope to continue to represent this community well. Wish me luck.

City of Marquette - Government

City of Marquette - Government


This is the official page for the City of Marquette.

Contact Info

Elections/Ballot Questions: 

+1 906-228-0430

City Hall:

+1 906-228-0435

300 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette, MI 49855

Municipal Service Center:

+1 906-228-0444

1100 Wright St., Marquette, MI 49855

Tourist Park Reservations:

+1 906-228-0465



City Hall:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Municipal Service Center:

M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Police and Fire on duty 24/7

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