The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) meeting scheduled for June 12, 2023 has been canceled due to lack of agenda items.
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) meeting scheduled for June 12, 2023 has been canceled due to lack of agenda items.
As there will be no August election in the City of Marquette, the July 6 and July 25 meetings of the Elections Board have been canceled.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, October 5 at 4:00 p.m.
On June 9, 2023, the Commons Parking Lot (112 S. Third St. and corner of Washington St.) will be closed for cleaning. The DDA Maintenance Staff will block off each entrance beginning Thursday evening, and the lot will reopen when cleaning is complete on Friday.
Beginning at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, Smith Construction Inc. will be closing Fourth Street between Washington Street and Arch Street to remove and replace sections of curb. A detour route will be provided via Third Street and access to residents and businesses will be maintained. The street is expected to reopen Thursday, June 8.
This work is a prerequisite for the resurfacing of these streets. The public is urged to use extreme caution and follow all traffic control measures. Additional announcements will be made regarding the upcoming resurfacing activities.
The Fitch Avenue closure to through traffic between Hawley Street and White Street will be extended by one day. This project is expected to be completed by the end of the day on June 6.
The City of Marquette is hosting a Master Plan workshop to gather the community’s ideas related to these potential redevelopment sites: the Marquette Mall (2025 US Hwy 41), the area around Tadych’s Marketplace, the Washington Street Corridor from US-41 to 3rd Street, the area west of Lakeshore Boulevard from E. Ridge Street to E. Fair Avenue, and the South Marquette commercial area along US-41 from Shiras Drive to Genesee Street.
The workshop will be held at Lakeview Arena (401 E. Fair Avenue) on June 14 from 6-8 p.m.
The City’s consultant team is requesting that interested individuals register for the workshop so that the team can ensure adequate space and supplies at the event. RSVP for the workshop by visiting the project website at
All registered participants will receive a pre-workshop packet with more details about each potential
redevelopment site and some questions to get folks thinking about what is possible at each location.
“These redevelopment sites were identified as a result of the public input and their future success is critical to the fabric of our community”,” says Dennis Stachewicz, Director of Community Development. “We look forward to exploring with workshop participants their vision for these sites and how they could change and connect to surrounding areas of our city.”
This is one of multiple community engagement activities to inform the City of Marquette Master Plan project. To learn more about the master plan, and to sign up for project updates, please visit
“We Make Our City/Our City Makes Us” is an interactive cardboard installation that will be built throughout the month of June by City of Marquette Art Week 2023 Artist in Residence - Amber Dohrenwend. The completed installation will then be on display in July in the City’s Deo Gallery (Marquette Arts & Culture Center on the Lower Level of Peter White Public Library). The sculpture will be built with cardboard strips, cut from bicycle boxes sourced in our community, and staplers will be used to hold the strips together.
The installation process welcomes community contributions during open studio hours. All hours will be open to drop in participants. Participation is open to all ages. Under 12 must attend with an adult.
More information about the installation and Art Week can be found on
We Make Our City / Our City Makes Us – Interactive Cardboard Installation
Art Week 2023 -Interactive Cardboard Installation Events
Marquette Connect will be sponsoring the annual Iron Range Roll on Saturday, June 3, 2023.
No streets will be closed for the event. Bicyclists that are participating in the event are to follow the rules of the road, however motorists are asked to be aware of the bicyclists crossing the following locations between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Marquette City Police will provide traffic control at the intersection of Washington and McClellan.
Fitch Avenue will be closed to through traffic for a sewer lateral repair between Hawley Street and White Street on Friday, June 2 beginning at 7:00 a.m. This project is expected to be completed by the end of day on June 5.
On Thursday, June 1, beginning at 3:00 p.m. and continuing through 9:00 p.m. Ohio Street between Fourth Street and Third Street will be closed to through traffic for an event sponsored by the Marquette Arts and Culture Center.
No detour will be provided.
Residents will be able to access their homes from Fourth Street during the event. Pedestrian traffic along Ohio Street will be maintained.
This is the official page for the City of Marquette.
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Customer Account Clerk / Cashier
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+1 906-228-0430
City Hall:
+1 906-228-0435
300 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette, MI 49855
Municipal Service Center:
+1 906-228-0444
1100 Wright St., Marquette, MI 49855
Tourist Park Reservations:
+1 906-228-0465
City Hall:
M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Municipal Service Center:
M-F: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Police and Fire on duty 24/7
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